Harbors Visitation During COVID-19

Apr 16, 2024

a walkway through a garden with a blue sky

The following guidelines are for Phase 3 of reopening plans for Long Term care based on guidelines published by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). *Please note that these guidelines may change if there is a change in Phase or if we are required to have mitigation steps put into to place by either the Illinois Department of Public Health or the Chicago Department of Public Health

Harbors Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, & Memory Support Visitation Guidelines

  • Visits are by appointment only
  • Visits can be scheduled by emailing Kim Kohler; [email protected]g
  • Visitation is limited to a maximum of two (2) visitors per resident from the same household
  • Residents will be allowed one visitation per day. Back-to-back visits are not permitted
  • We must prescreen visitors via phone with the CDC symptom checklist not more than 24 hours in advance.
  • Visitors must be available for a phone call the day before the visit
  • We must also screen visitors on arrival with the CDC symptom checklist and a temperature check.
  • Visitors displaying symptoms will not be permitted to visit
  • Residents receiving visitors should also be screened with the CDC symptom checklist prior to visitor’s arrival
  • There always needs to be a 6 feet separation between resident and all visitors.
  • Residents and visitors will sit at opposite ends of a 6 foot table and remain seated
  • There cannot be any physical contact between the visitor and resident. 
  • No touching is permitted
  • Visits are strongly encouraged in outdoor areas only. Exceptions may be made for inclement weather
  • Visits are strongly encouraged in outdoor areas only. Exceptions may be made for inclement weather
  • For the duration of each visit, the resident and visitor must wear a face covering
  • There will be staff supervision during each visit to ensure the use of face coverings and social distancing
  • All visitors much notify The Admiral at the Lake if you show any symptoms within 3 days of your visit for contact tracing purposes

Day of Visit Procedure

All visits will begin on the hour and finish 45 minutes later. This allows for 15 minutes of transporting residents and sanitizing the area.  We will be able to host 3 separate visits at one time (meaning 3 tables of visitors!) Visitors should arrive no more than 10 minutes before the visit. You may park in Visitor Parking.

Enter the building and proceed to the TEMPERATURE STATION near the Concierge Desk.  You will have a symptom check, temperature taken and receive a visitor tag. Take the elevators to the 6th floor, exit to your left and go through the white double doors near the IL mail room.  Follow the sign straight ahead and you will enter the Harbors 6th floor Terrace through the Harbors Living Room.  We are trusting that guests will not veer off anywhere else on the 6th floor – such as the Bistro, Library, etc.  This behavior will tamper with our infection control and visitors may be banned from future visits. Visits will occur on the 6th Floor Harbors terrace under the concrete overhang so you will be shaded and dry.

In addition:

  • Visits will be cancelled if nursing staff deems the air quality, humidity or temperature such that it puts the resident at a significant health risk.
  • We will do our best to inform the visitors immediately.
  • No animals are permitted to visit
  • No food or drink are permitted to be consumed during the visit.
  • The Admiral at the Lake will permit those under 18 to visit who are able to comply with all of the rules and regulations including but not limited to answering the prescreening for themselves and remaining seated for the duration of the visit. If the young visitor is unable to comply, the visit will immediately end and they will not be permitted a return visit under current guidelines

Don’t Forget

Chicago’s “Emergency Travel Order” is still in effect and is updated every Tuesday. Visits will not be permitted from those who have travelled from those states within the timeline given. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact


